ZINC Leads in Outstream for a Reason
The biggest complaint in the advertising industry as we drop further into Q4, its busiest season, is the lack of video inventory. Everybody wants to run video ads, because video completion rates are...
View ArticleFundamentally Better Advertising
Yesterday at the Digiday Agency Summit, Valter Sciarrillo, Head of Product Marketing at Quantcast, gave a talk for agencies called “Differentiating Yourself Through Programmatic.” This presentation...
View ArticleOutstream is In
As we head into an era of better analytics, more precise targeting, and redefinition of reach, more and more media professionals are becoming aware of the power of outstream advertising. Because...
View ArticleWhy the Hype About Analytics Could be Wrong
The Holy Grail for marketers has always been finding a customer just at the moment before a purchase and influencing the customer’s choice. During my entire lifetime, better targeting has seemed like...
View ArticleAds Coming to VR Next Year
One of the benefits of being around Silicon Valley is hearing about new trends in media before they a happen. Although advertisers already know about virtual reality, they are only using it now in...
View ArticleAgencies Blend Creative, Programmatic, and Media Planning
Last quarter the advertising industry gathered at Cannes, and one of the things that was discussed was programmatic creative. Although “programmatic creative” seems like a contradiction in terms, it’s...
View ArticleNew Metrics “Adjustments” for Facebook
Facebook may get coal in its Christmas stocking this year. It may take Facebook a while to begin to suffer visibly, but we predict, and have written in our ZEDO blog, that we’ve passed peak Facebook....
View ArticleA Happier New Year for Advertisers
Last year the IAB Leadership Council, which holds its meeting early in the new year, was all about ad blockers. This year, the theme for that annual conference is Publishers and Platforms: What’s Next,...
View ArticleCES and the Future of Advertising
As we speak, the future of advertising is being debated in Las Vegas at the Wynn Hotel by a cast of characters including Sir Martin Sorrell, WPP Global CEO, Brian Lesser, North American CEO of Group M,...
View ArticleChanges at Group M Reflect Industry Shifts
Brian Lesser, who runs Group M in North America, is a great resource to talk about how the agency business is going to change. He arrived at Group M five years ago when it acquired his firm 24/7 Media,...
View ArticleFake News is Only Part of the Problem
The bigger problem is brand safety in general. Several years ago, we partnered with a company whose major selling proposition was the ability to determine whether a potential site was brand-safe by...
View ArticleHas Targeting Ruined Advertising?
As we draw closer to the day of the Super Bowl in the United States, old advertising hands can’t help but remember the glory days when Super Bowl ads went viral and memorable creative was the norm....
View ArticleHelpful Metrics Still Elude Marketers
Just ahead of last month’s IAB Annual Leadership Summit, IAB released its third quarter numbers for digital advertising.The TL;DR is that Q3 2016 marked the highest third quarter for digital...
View ArticleAgencies Mourn Lost Status
Like every other industry conference we’ve attended in the past few years, SXSW 2017 featured a bunch of agency executives and former agency people desperate for the good old days when agencies...
View ArticleConsumers Take Power From Brands, Publishers
Consumer empowerment has been a huge topic in both Europe and the United States this week. In London there was a big brouhaha about YouTube showing ads against racist sites and large advertisers...
View ArticleFacebook’s F8 Reveals Future Plans
Facebook has been taking a lot of heat from both publishers and advertisers lately. Advertisers are angry when their ads appear next to “fake news,” or even real, but offensive news like the live...
View ArticleWhere Advertising Could Be
We recently had an opportunity to sit down with a Millennial who had fled the advertising and media worlds of New York for the startup scene, and we asked her to reflect on her six-year career in...
View ArticleDigital Content NewFronts Predicted to Capture 40% of ODV Spending
The IAB has done a new study just in time for the Digital Content New Fronts. Like most IAB studies, this one is positive for the industry. The key highlights are a prediction of ongoing strong growth...
View ArticleIt’s the Quality, Not the Ad’s Length That Matters
As the use of video ads grows, the time we spend paying attention to them seems to shrink. Your video ad now has about 8 seconds to make an impression Researchers in Canada “surveyed 2,000...
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