To Avoid Fines, Buy Carefully
We recently had breakfast with the head of a regional advertising agency in the Southwest. After he finished telling us about how much native advertising and influencer marketing he was doing, he told...
View ArticleBrand Advertising That Leads to Conversions
If you are wondering why Facebook is grabbing so much of the online ad spend, it’s because the company does more research into what makes ads work than most brands do, and it makes its research...
View ArticleIn-App Advertising Must Be Interactive
In the past couple of years, more publishers than ever have pivoted to video. They did that to prepare for the big moment when TV ads would migrate to digital media, and they wanted to be ready.They...
View ArticleHappy Holidays!
As we close out this frenetic year of 2018, we can’t help noticing how the bulk of the digital ad industry is located on the east and west coasts. And yet, the bulk of consumers, especially for b2c...
View ArticleFraud Fighting Initiatives Grow in Digital Media
Ads.txt is IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau)’s newest fraud-fighting initiative. It stands for “Authorized Digital Sellers,” and the aim of the initiative is to increase transparency in the way that...
View ArticleWhere is Video Most Effective? Not Facebook
Last year, we wrote about the expense involved in producing good video content, and the pivot to video that threw sites like Mic and Mashable into financial disarray. They were producing that video...
View ArticleGoogle Chrome vs. Ad Block Plus
There are almost too many competing initiatives going on to fix what different constituencies consider to be wrong about online advertising. Each constituency has its own point of view and a...
View ArticleContextual Advertising and Trust
Marketers are increasingly likely to buy media that consumers trust, that they believe is giving them good value for what they pay, and that their target audiences engage with. Although that should...
View ArticleHow to Make Ads People Will Like
Can you make ads people will actually like? Yes, it can be done. The TL;DR: Provide useful information. Provide convenience. Build trust. Don’t chase people. The story behind this, for those who prefer...
View ArticleAdvertising is Already Changing
This is the big week when GDPR finally rolls out. No longer can marketers in the EU use data to which users haven’t consented. However, we don’t think this change in how we use data will be confined to...
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