Are Publishers to Blame for Widespread Use of AdBlocking Software?
Ad blocking software has been existing under the radar for years, mostly in the tech and gaming communities, where young tech savvy people didn’t mind wrestling with browser extensions. However, the...
View ArticleQ4 Comes in with a Bang for Online Advertising
September is a month of changes for the digital advertising industry. Advertisers are looking to spend money in Q4, where they get most of their sales, and publishers are desperate for the Q4 revenue...
View ArticleHow to do NY Advertising Week
New York Advertising Week, which starts on Sept. 28, has become a celebrity fest. This year’s featured speakers include everyone from Sir Martin Sorrell, who is an authentic advertising executive, to...
View ArticleIs Online Advertising Junk Mail?
Seth Godin is one of our generation’s marketing gurus. Here is what he wrote recently about ad blockers: …advertisers have had fifteen years to show self restraint. They’ve had the chance to not...
View ArticleDigiday and Technorati Programmatic Scorecard: Gentleman’s C
Neither the open market nor private marketplaces get more than a barely passing grade from buyers and sellers, a survey by Digiday and Technorati said on a webcast we listened to recently. Both...
View ArticleHow Programmatic Works with Creativity in Branding
As programmatic progresses from being just a workflow tool to automate formerly manual processes to an integral part of a branding campaign’s creative thrust, it’s good to keep in mind that for...
View ArticleVideo Ads on Social Networks: Do They Work?
A Wall Street Journal article published recently revealed that 85% of YouTube’s ads are seen just by 9% of its users. YouTube has a relatively small audience that watches videos all day long; that...
View ArticleWhat Does L.E.A.N. Mean?
In response to a rising swell of consumer complaints about annoying advertising and the growing use of ad blockers, the IAB had to reverse its previously holier-than-thou position that consumers would...
View ArticleBack to the Future for Ad Formats
Those optimistic about advertising’s future — including us–think it depends on better creative. So let’s try to imagine what this could look like. In the current environment of hostility to tracking...
View ArticleUseful Definitions of Native Advertising
The paid ad blockers are dropping from the list of top paid apps in the Apple app store, so the crisis is over for now. But if we are smart, it has taught us a lesson: we have to make advertising...
View ArticleMobile Digital Ads to Grow Through 2020
Are we ready for the next five years in mobile video? We are learning how to make it viewable, and how to make it measurable. But do we know how to make it effective? A new BusinessInsider report...
View ArticleCan Native Advertising Scale?
At this moment, native advertising only accounts for 5% of digital ad spend, although from the amount of ink it’s gotten and its prominence on conference agendas you’d have thought it was much more....
View ArticleFor Christmas: Blurring of Ads and E-Commerce
We are still trying to figure out the highest and best use of digital advertising, and there’s still a bifurcation between so-called “performance advertising” and the brand advertising for which...
View ArticleAd Agencies Meet to Ponder the Death of Display
What do a bunch of ad agency types meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona right before the Christmas holidays want to talk about? Probably not the potential death of their industry. But ad blockers have hit...
View ArticleWhat Ads Will Win in 2016?
Look for big changes in advertising during 2016. Soon after Adobe and PageFair released their study on the number of people who used ad blocking software, the Interactive Advertising Bureau responded...
View Article2016 Will Be A Good Year for Advertising
Digital advertising reached a tipping point last year. It not only began to draw advertising dollars away from TV, but it antagonized users on the mobile web in ways undreamed of several years ago. So...
View ArticleAd-Supported Publisher Interviews Creators of Ad Blocker
Online advertising is still under attack. Or more accurately, online tracking is under attack from consumers and it is conflated with online advertising. I’ve just been listening to Leo laPorte’s...
View ArticleBack to Basics for Mobile Ads
By 2019, mobile will make up 72% of total ad spend. What is driving that? Probably a combination of better ad formats and changes in consumer online patterns. A recent study by Flurry showed that “the...
View ArticlePrivate Platforms Help Both Buyers and Sellers
For the past decade, there have been more than 2000 companies in the advertising industry ecosystem. Each company sought to add a little value to the transaction between advertiser and publisher, but...
View ArticleCan IBM’s Watson Fine Tune Your Campaign?
Although advertising isn’t going away, free standing agencies might be. IBM just acquired three of them in one week, beefing up its own 20-year-old in house agency. Deloitte Digital and Accenture have...
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